WEAP Models

In an effort to introduce integrated land and water management within hydrological units (catchments), the Government of Rwanda, through Water for Growth Rwanda, has commenced the development of catchment plans. To support the development of the (Upper Nyabarongo, Sebeya, Nyabugogo, and Muvumba) catchment plans, quantitative information is required. These plans should go beyond analyzing the current situation (by monitoring) and need to look at projections (e.g. climate change, macro-economic development, population growth) and at alternatives (interventions). To support this goal an extensive modeling exercise has been undertaken, using the WEAP tool, to evaluate future water resources, demand, supply

The models made available through this portal are provided by RWFA to help the sustainable development of water resources and increase our water knowledge base. We ask that resulting research and studies be published and shared with RWFA. Additionally the models are provided ‘as is’ and RWFA takes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of using them. By downloading the models you are explicitly agreeing to these conditions.

The modelling software required to run these model can be downloaded from :  http://www.weap21.org

Upper Nyabarongo catchment RW_UNY_07.WEAP9.58 MB
Nyabugogo catchment RW_NYA_07.WEAP23.13 MB
Sebeya catchment RW_SEB_07.WEAP745.32 KB
Muvumba catchment RW_MUV_07.WEAP8.76 MB