Buffer Strips and Gully Erosion Control

Gully erosion causes a loss of fertile soil and when not controlled will ultimately result in totally degraded unproductive and intransitable land. Coordinated action is necessary to stop further progression and bring the waste land back to production.

  • Prevent gully development through sound land use, runoff control and reduction in flow concentration
  • Reduce flooding and siltation
  • Reduce risk of loss of agricultural land

Biotechnical erosion control. Vetiver is commonly used for erosion control of slopes and vegetation strips. Multipurpose grasses are to be preferred above the single purpose grasses. Strips with Napier grass but also sugar cane and sorghum and other grasses can be used to protect soil against soil erosion.Bamboo is a crop that can thrive in the harsh environment of the gullies.


Buffer zones are designed to protect rivers, forest or wetlands from encroaching agriculture and urbanization. Bufferzones around national parks are also intended to protect wildlife, flora and fauna from disturbing 

Bamboo is a preferred crop for the buffer strips. Strips of bamboo along the rivers and and wetlands demarcate and protect the river from intrusion by agriculture. The river needs the space for transitting the peak flows.  Bamboo is also a cash crop with many applications and uses. It is important to select the best variety that is also marketable. 


REMA Environmental Management Practices

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Rwanda China bamboo project.